Proposed Lambeth College development


The Planning Application for the Lambeth College development at 45 Clapham Common South Side is now live on the Lambeth Council website. The proposal is for seven buildings ranging from six to 10 (facing the Common) to 13 storeys.

Commenting on the Proposal

Comments will be taken by officers until 9 January 2023, although officially residents had until mid November 2022 to respond. The sooner comments are in, however, the better.
This link is a shortcut to the website:
Or you can visit the direct link here:  Lambeth Planning Application Comments.

It is easy to make comments. Just access either of the links above and go to the Comments section. The application reference is 22/03713/FUL. Comments can also be taken by emailing

Objection Reasons

Valid reasons for objection are: Disturbance, Loss of Privacy, Loss of Light, Overdevelopment, Pressure on Local Amenities, Negative Effect on the Environment, Impeding Road and Highway Access.

For more background on this proposed development see the lead story in our September Newsletter at: and scroll down to No 449, September 2022.

Previous Planning Permission

The Clapham Society does not oppose the building of new homes. However, the Committee feels that this development is out of keeping with the area.
You might also find it useful to know is that the January 2007 Planning Permission for the Lambeth College development at this site – currently being proposed to be torn down – explicitly stated, as a condition of approval, that the height of the development relative to the adjoining properties should be capped ‘in the interests of visual and residential amenity’.
Numerous policies were cited. (The two buildings of the adjoining Notre Dame Estate are each eight storeys high.)
If you have any questions please email: and/or,  local councillors for the ward of Clapham Common and Abbeville who are fighting to preserve the beauty of Clapham.

Please feel free to circulate.
Mark Leffler, Chairman, The Clapham Society.

Lambeth College
Lambeth College

Architecture on South Side
Architecture on South Side

Lambeth College, from the Common
Lambeth College, from the Common

From Franconia Road
From Franconia Road

Imagine tower blocks rising up behind these iconic Clapham vistas. TOP, FROM LEFT Lambeth College and the surrounding architecture on South Side. BOTTOM, FROM LEFT Lambeth College, from the Common. The latest development would impact neighbourhoods south of the Common too. The photograph looking down from Franconia Road shows the potential skyline of 45 Clapham Common South Side; the ‘New building’ is part of 44 Clapham Common South Side, still under construction.

You can click on a small photograph to see the larger image and
click outside the image to return to the page.