Our activities
- We fight to protect the special character of Clapham, its conservation areas and buildings of historic and architectural interest
- We are consulted on current planning and development proposals and, if necessary, present evidence to formal planning enquiries
- We run a programme of events including talks on local and wider London topics, and walks around Clapham which focus on new developments as well as local history
- We produce and distribute to members and key local people a regular newsletter giving information and opinions on current and impending issues and events
- We foster and maintain constructive relationships with Lambeth councillors and officers in order to present effectively the views of the Society and its members
- We publish books about the area and its history and guided walk leaflets. Please click here for details
- We organise parties for members and their guests in interesting locations in Clapham
- We run a local history group
Key areas of involvement
- The local authorities have a statutory duty to consult us on planning and licensing matters. Our Planning Sub-committee draws on a wealth of professional expertise and experience to comment on planning applications and developments and to give evidence at public enquiries
- Click here to see our statement to the London Russian Ballet School Planning Appeal 2017
The Common
- Our Common and Open Spaces Sub-committee is dedicated to securing the future of Clapham’s most precious asset. It advises on its maintenance and improvement for sport and wildlife and on the preservation of its character. We have developed a Code of Practice which seeks to improve the management of events on the Common and to ban those of an inappropriate scale or nature
- Click here to see our submission to the House of Commons Inquiry into to the Future of Public Parks 2016
Roads and Transport
- Our Roads and Transport Sub-Committee reviews and, where necessary, challenges transport issues, taking into account the interests of people who live, work, walk, use public transport, cycle and drive in the area
Local History
- Our Local History Sub-Committee encourages interest in and knowledge of the history of the Clapham area, by contributing to the Society’s programme of meetings, conducting walks and issuing publications. We seek to support the study of local history in schools
Join the Clapham Society…..
…..if you are interested in Clapham, its community, its businesses, its amenities and its buildings and are concerned to protect and enhance its character. We depend on our members’ wide range of skills and experience, as well as their moral and financial support. We rely entirely on members’ subscriptions and donations to pay for the newsletter and our administrative expenses
Please complete the Application for Membership
…and send it to the Membership Secretary at the address on the contact page
Donations and Membership Payments
- Clapham Society Bank Details can be found on the Application for Membership page
Registered Charity, number 279595