A Talk By Michael Crick – 14th April


Pursuing Politicians

Michael CrickMichael Crick will be giving a talk, ‘Pursuing Politicians’ on Monday evening,  14th April at Clapham’s arts centre, Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common North Side, SW4 0QW.

The bar at Omnibus will be open from 7 pm, and the talk will commence at 8 pm and will include some time for questions and discussion. The bar will remain open after the meeting. Meetings are free and open to non-members, so please bring your friends along.

It is said that the five words politicians most fear are ‘Michael Crick is in reception’. Local resident Michael Crick, political correspondent for Channel 4 News, ex-Newsnight presenter, biographer of Arthur Scargill, Jeffrey Archer, Michael Heseltine, Michael Howard and Alex Ferguson, and member of the Clapham Society will reveal some of his encounters with politics and politicians. Most recently he was attacked by Godfrey Bloom of Ukip who said afterwards he was thinking of taking up shooting and ‘Crick might be the first cartridge’.