Commemorating Peter Jefferson Smith


Proposed Peter Jefferson Smith fund – Donations Invited

PJS Book Launch FundMany may not know that Peter spent many years researching three generations of the Clapham-based I’Anson family of architects. Not only did they live here for some time but they were the architects of several important surviving local buildings, including the former Clapham Library (now Omnibus Theatre) and The Alexandra pub.

Project – Publish Peter’s Book

At the time of Peter’s death the resulting book was written, but sadly not yet published.
We think that the most appropriate tribute to such a notable local resident would be to get this book completed and published. This will entail professional historical advice in addition to publication and associated costs, so we need to raise funds.

We propose to set up a Peter Jefferson Smith fund in the Clapham Society and to invite donations.


We have already started work on the project and will keep you informed of progress, but if you would like to support it now you may send a cheque (payable to The Clapham Society ).
Please Send cheques to the Treasurer:  David Brown 15 Turret Grove SW4 0ES.

If you prefer to pay by bank transfer the details are as follows:

Account Name: The Clapham Society
Sort Code 60-05-34
Account number: No 22217045.

In the reference box please put your surname, post code and PJS.
Remember that if you gift aid your donation is increased by 25 %.

Annabel Allott