Commemorating The Outbreak of World War 1


There will be three services at the War Memorial at Holy Trinity Church to Commemorate the outbreak of World War 1.

War Memorial at Holy Trinity Church, Clapham
War Memorial at Holy Trinity Church, Clapham. photo: Alyson Wilson

The  Services:

On Sunday evening at 7.30pm following the 6pm evening service and again on the actual anniversary of the declaration of war on Monday evening at 7pm. All are welcome to join us as we read the names from the War Memorials of those we know who died in that war.

You are also invited to say the names of any members of your family who died, and light candles in remembrance. After the Sunday evening service the War Memorial in the Church containing the Clapham Muster Roll of over 600 names of those who enlisted for service, will be on display.


There will also be a Vigil of Prayer at the War Memorial on Monday 4th from 10pm-11pm – a second service that day – at the hour when war was  declared and ‘the lights went out across Europe.’

You are very welcome to join us at any of the services and do please invite your friends and neighbours.

War Memorial with Holy Trinity Church behind, Clapham
War Memorial with Holy Trinity Church behind, Clapham


Sunday 3 August 6pm

Sunday 3 August 7.30pm

Monday 4th from 10pm-11pm