May Talk – Cancelled


Talk by Gareth James – Cancelled Tonight (Monday 20th May).

Gareth James-Talk 20 May 2024Gareth is unfortunately unwell and will not be giving his talk this evening (Monday 20th May)

About the Speaker

Gareth James is a trustee of the Friends of Clapham Common and its representative on the Clapham Common Management Advisory Committee (CCMAC). He is also the lead for the recently registered charity Wild Clapham which, working in tandem with Lambeth Council, focuses on ecology and biodiversity on the Common.

When and Where

Monday 20 May. Our meetings are held at Omnibus.

Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common North Side, SW4 0QW
The bar at Omnibus is open from 7 pm, and meetings will commence at 8 pm.
Our guest will normally speak for about 45 minutes, followed by around 15 minutes for questions and discussion, and the bar will remain open after meetings.

Meetings are free, so please come along and introduce a friend! Open to non-members.

The Clapham Society hosts many Free talks and events. Please click here for the programme of the year.