Meeting-St Mary’s Church spire repairs


St Mary's Church ClaphamThe project architect from Thomas Ford & Partners for the recent repairs  to the spire of St Mary’s Church, Clapham Park Road will give a talk about the work involved.

He will describe the problems involved and show how they were resolved.
Some of the many detailed photographs taken of the work in progress, as well as remarkable views from high up the spire will be shown.

A representative of St Mary’s Church will summarise the church’s history and its link to the community to provide a context for the work.

When and Where

Monday 23rd May. Our meetings are held at Omnibus.

Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common North Side, SW4 0QW

The bar at Omnibus is open from 7 pm, and meetings will commence at 8 pm.
Our guest will normally speak for about 45 minutes, followed by around 15 minutes for questions and discussion, and the bar will remain open after meetings.

Meetings are free and open to non-members, so please come along with a friend!