Nobby Clark Talks Photographs – Clapham Society Talk


Nobby ClarkNobby Clark will give a talk for the Clapham Society
on Monday 21 September.

He will be showing some of his powerful photographs of actors during rehearsals and production and will have some entertaining stories to tell about captured moments.

Nobby Clark has worked as a photographer with all the major English theatre, opera and ballet companies and has been production photographer for many theatre directors, including Peter Hall, Trevor Nunn and Richard Eyre on their plays.
He has also worked for several UK broadsheets, including The Observer, The Guardian and The Times.

When and Where

Monday 21 September. Our meetings are held at Omnibus

Omnibus, 1 Clapham Common North Side, SW4 0QW

The bar at Omnibus is open from 7 pm, and meetings will commence at 8 pm.
Our guest will normally speak for about 45 minutes, followed by around 15 minutes for questions and discussion, and the bar will remain open after meetings.

Meetings are free and open to non-members, so please bring your friends along!