Final reminder to comment on the Planning Application for 45 South side, the Proposed Lambeth College development. Everyone’s viewpoint counts and the deadline for comments has been extended. We are currently expecting a July date.
You can visit the direct link here: Lambeth Planning Application Comments.
The article by Alison Inglis-Jones in our June newsletter, issue number 457, has more details and most members will have their copies before the end of the month. Non-members do not receive a copy but it will be available to read here on the first day of June.
Reasons to Comment.
Our March Newsletter, issue number 454, features an article by the president of the Clapham Society, Martin Drury.
The March Newsletter, issue number 454, is available to read here.
In Martin Drury’s article ‘Clapham Common in the wider London context‘ he sets out reasons why he believes Clapham Common deserves the highest level of protection regarding high buildings and widely, as an asset for London.
The article in our February Newsletter 453, ‘Public Meeting: Proposed redevelopment of Lambeth College‘ sets out reasons for and against the development.
For details of the proposal you can read Mark Leffler’s article ‘Proposed Lambeth College development‘ which was featured on page 2 in the AGM 2022 minutes.
You can read it online here.
Photo: Mark Leffler, View of 45 South Side from Clapham Common